
The Relationship Between the Chinese Cultural Relics Testing Center/Eye Examination and Scientific Identification, and the Importance to Private Collections

The Relationship Between the Chinese Cultural Relics Testing Center/Eye Examination and Scientific Identification, and the Importance to Private Collections

本页图片/档案 - 李成化花鸟纹斗彩高足


The "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics" has been in effect for over 40 years and is about to undergo major revisions to adapt to the developments of the new era! For many years, private collections have been lacking, with few transactions and a minimal share of the national economy. One of the reasons for this is the difficulty in distinguishing between genuine and fake collectibles. Without a unified standard, judgments rely solely on experience and the naked eye, often influenced by subjective factors. In the new era, how to activate private collections, authenticate cultural relics, and create immense economic value, the author believes that scientific authentication is an important measure. Considering the chaos in the domestic private collection market and the prevalence of counterfeiting, in order to change the market environment, the Chinese government is preparing to establish key antique cultural relics testing centers nationwide, using high-tech methods to authenticate cultural relics and issue certificates of authentication. As an enthusiast of antique collection, the author believes that traditional eye examination has subjectivity. In the new era and with new technology, its importance should be decreasing. Scientific authentication has its superiority, reducing human factors, maintaining consistent standards, and providing more convincing objective analysis! In general, in the future, scientific authentication should be the main method, while traditional eye examination serves as a supplement, which is the correct development direction!


The relationship between eye examination and scientific testing:


Complementary: Eye examination and scientific testing complement each other. Eye examination provides preliminary clues for identification by observing the appearance, texture, color, material, craftsmanship, and style of artifacts. This method relies on the experience and knowledge of the appraiser, enabling rapid identification of artifact characteristics and providing initial identification opinions. However, this method is subjective, and the opinions of two experts may differ.


Scientific testing: Scientific testing uses a range of modern techniques and instruments, such as X-ray fluorescence analysis, carbon-14 dating, and microscopic analysis, to analyze artifacts. These technologies provide objective data to help determine the age, material, and manufacturing process of artifacts.


Scientific testing can also be divided into organic and inorganic testing. Organic testing, such as trees containing protein carbon elements, is commonly known as radiocarbon dating, which is already a mature method for age testing. Antiques like porcelain, being inorganic, require different methods for testing. There are three popular methods currently:

1. Thermoluminescence dating,
2. XRF (X-ray fluorescence) spectrometry, and
3. Quantum testing, which is gaining popularity recently. Thermoluminescence has been discussed in previous articles and will not be elaborated on further. Quantum testing is still immature, so this time, I will introduce and share knowledge and contributions of XRF fluorescence testing in the authentication of antique cultural relics!


XRF (X-ray fluorescence) works by stimulating atoms in the sample with X-rays to generate fluorescence, thereby identifying and measuring the elements in the sample. In the authentication of antique cultural relics, XRF testing can be used to analyze the elemental composition of artifacts, helping to determine their composition, authenticity, age, and other aspects of information.


Advantages of XRF testing in detecting antiques:


Non-destructive: XRF testing is non-destructive, causing minimal damage to antique samples, allowing analysis without harming the artifacts.

Rapid identification: XRF can quickly identify different elements in antiques, helping to determine their composition and age.

Authenticity verification: By analyzing the elemental composition of antiques, XRF can help verify their authenticity. Antiques from specific periods often have specific elemental characteristics. This requires comparison with a central database.

Surface contamination can affect the test. XRF testing primarily analyzes the surface elemental composition of antiques and cannot penetrate into the interior. The interpretation of XRF data requires professional knowledge and experience and needs to be compared with a central database. Misinterpretation can lead to incorrect identification results. To ensure the accuracy of the test results, XRF instruments need regular calibration and technical personnel training is also important. In summary, XRF testing has great value in antique identification and research, but it needs to be combined with other analytical methods and professional knowledge to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the results.


According to estimates, the total amount of private collections in China is about 60 trillion RMB, three times the average annual income of Guangdong Province. How to activate this huge market, increase economic vitality and influence, the central government needs to think carefully! One feasible measure is to strengthen the scientific authentication of cultural relics, authenticate private collections, issue registration certificates with basic information, similar to a birth certificate for artifacts. With this certificate, you can go to financial institutions for mortgage transactions, strengthening the circulation of cultural relics. The Chinese government is building a great blueprint, considering the establishment of cultural relics testing centers in key cities nationwide. It is believed that with policy support, the effectiveness will be even faster. Antiques with testing certificates will flourish in the market. The author eagerly anticipates the early service of this new organizational structure to the public, restoring the chaotic market ecology of cultural relics to normal. This change is of positive significance for the protection, transaction, and inheritance of cultural relics!



Mr. Robert T Li graduated from the Economics Department of the University of Hong Kong and has served as the Head of Liability Insurance in the Greater China region for an international insurance company. He has a passion for traditional Chinese culture and enjoys collecting art. He is actively involved in promoting awareness of traditional Chinese culture, music, and art among young people. He can be contacted at litaichai@gmail.com.


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