


The Liangzhu Culture

Clay Pot from Liangzhu Museum (Wikimedia Commons) Chinese civilization boasts a brilliant history spanning five millennia, characterized by distinct regional and temporal developments as well as a rich tradition of cultural integration. The origin of Chinese culture is diverse; apart from the northeastern Hongshan culture previously discussed, the Liangzhu culture, located in the southeastern part of the Yangtze River basin, is a prime example. Known for its jade culture, which has had a profound impact on Chinese history, culture, and art, today's focus is on exploring this culture to enhance our understanding. The Liangzhu culture emerged during the Late Neolithic period in China...



Wikimedia Commons   良渚文化以其高水平的玉器制作技术而闻名,出土了大量精美的玉器、陶器以及其他文物,亦反映出有初步社会阶层分化和政治组织的迹象。     中华文化歷史悠久,不同时期不同地区都各自发展或互相融合。除笔者之前谈论的东北红山文化之外,长江流域的良渚文化更是表表者,其玉文化对中国文化有深远的影响,被认为是中国古代文明的重要起源之一。   相对成熟的社会 良渚文化见于中国新石器时代晚期,主要分布在现今的杭州西北方,时间约为公元前3300...


Revised China's Cultural Heritage Protection Law (2023): Can it meet the new era's demands for cultural heritage protection?

China's Cultural Heritage Protection Law has been in effect for over 40 years since its initial promulgation in 1982, with one revision made in 2002. Since the start of the new century, political, social, economic, and technological changes have been rapid. The current Cultural Heritage Protection Law shows significant shortcomings, unable to meet the demands of the new era. As a result, there have been continual calls for revisions. Consequently, the State Council proposed amendments to the law and solicited opinions from stakeholders and various levels of society. After over a year's effort, on October 20th, the initial opinions were collected, with over 1,300 individuals or groups...

穀雨 240418


谷雨是在每年四月二十日前后,当地球到达太阳黄经三十度的时候,带给大地丰沛的雨水,大大有利谷类农作物生长的意思。这是一年中农作最重要的春雨期,也是春季的第六个,或最后的一个节气。 图源:网络 古籍中也有凸显谷雨这个节气的描述。《通律孝经援神契》:「清明后十五日,斗指辰,为谷雨,三月中,言雨生百谷清净明洁也。」《群芳谱》:「谷雨,谷得雨而生也。」即谷雨前后,天气较暖,降雨增加,有利于春作物播种生长。 宋代陈元靓在《岁时广记》一书中说:「谷雨者,言雨以...



清洁是小事,也是大事;清洁不好,绝对是超级大事。清洁好,人人夸;清洁不好,百病丛生。 简单的例子,洗衣机若沒有清洁好,会堵塞出水口,衣物不能清洁好, 细菌滋生。还有保温瓶、牙刷杯、莲蓬头、变色砧板、杯子、有色斑污渍的衣服或油腻的厨房抹布、厨房抽油烟机、浴室墙壁磁砖缝隙的霉斑。 有沒有用什麽妙品,可以让我们简单轻松处理以上清洁难题?近年被称爲「去污神物」的天然清洁剂过碳酸钠,可能就是大家需要的清洁妙品! 过碳酸钠 过碳酸钠一般存在于含氧的漂白剂,白色粉...



4月伊始,大事不断。 4月1日,以色列对伊朗驻叙利亚大使馆发动了毁灭性的空袭。 4月2日,中美元首通了电话。 4月4日,美国财政部长耶伦紧急访华,10日离开。 然后,毫无意外地,12天后的4月13日午夜即14日凌晨,伊朗最终对以色列展开报復,大规模攻击以色列本土敏感目标。无人机、导弹、爆炸、警报……一夜之间,伊以两国再次剑拔弩张。 伊朗,以色列,这对中东冤家对头,让本就错综复杂的中东局势更加诡谲及充满不确定性。接下来,伊以对战会否升级,美国又是否直接介入...