



香港企业出海的根基 2024年2月经过春节假期稍事休息一下又准备忙碌的一年发展进程。非常高兴有朋友对CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration)软件品质管理的认证感兴趣,令我重燃推动香港软件业及其服务对象更上一层楼的热情。鑑于现今软件系统对于企业来说越来越关键性,不单止提高效率,还提高品质,与及管理风险,令企业提升整体业绩表现和竞争力。尤其是一些运输通讯系统,甚至涉及人命的医疗设备。 CMMI 这个连美国太空总署丶德国的大中小企,与及近年注重提高国际竞争力的泰国企业都普遍使用的方...


仁人有道理 - 仁道有理

仁道有理 眼前的世界並不是文明有理,战争到处都有,死伤无数,家园被毁担惊吓怕,又连累无辜的老百姓。恐怖袭击更令人震惊,因为随时在你身边发生,乱鎗扫射的画面在大屏幕播出,人的生命非常脆弱。孔子的理想是人人都成为「仁者」,他对仁者的形容很多:仁者能好人能恶人(能够分辨好人坏人)、仁者先难而后获(先吃苦后收获)、仁者乐山(有高瞻远触的智慧)、仁者静(淡定处事不冲动)、仁者寿(身心轻松过日子必然长寿),最直接的解释是「仁者爱人」。永远充满爱心爱其他所有人,就是...



八大山人和石涛都影响深远,对清代、民国以至当代的画坛都有一定程度的贡献! 八大山人的画作。(网络图片) 十多年前,我在香港理工大学修读中国文化硕士课程,当年的系主任是朱鸿林教授。当年的课程相当吸引,因为除了四门必修科目外,其他八门课可按学员的兴趣去选修。八科当中,我选修了「书画欣赏」,让我日后懂得些看中国画和书法艺术的基本原则! 东西方绘画与艺术的差异 其实我很享受认识中国的书法和画画的发展史。中国歷朝歷代书画家辈...



料两三年旺市不旺价!3类买楼建议必知虽然撤辣后,一、二市场交投大增,但其实,整个市场新供应量很多,需时消化,影响未来楼市走势。威格斯资产评估顾问副董事总经理张宏业接受《香港财经时报》访问时预计,一、二手市场单位供应合共约13万个,按照去年住宅买卖成交宗数计算,需要2至3年时间消化,楼市会「旺市不旺价」。 但一手市场表现会较二手市场活跃,因不少购买力来自内地,並大手入货。另外,他又向3类买楼人士提出建议:包括上车适宜选平价新盘;换楼适宜买半新盘;买楼投资宜选近大学区的...


Doucai Porcelain of Ming Dynasty Chenghua Period

The story recounts the historical auction of a Ming Dynasty Chenghua Doucai Rooster Cup at a Sotheby's auction in Hong Kong in 2014, fetching a record-breaking price of nearly HK$300 million. The buyer, Mr. Liu Yiqian from Shanghai, reportedly used this small cup to drink tea, believing it possessed extraordinary qualities. But why could such a small cup command such a high price? What fascinating story lies behind the Doucai Rooster Cup? Let me narrate it below. Antique collectors assess the value of collectibles based on four aspects: authenticity, freshness, refinement, and uniqueness. The Chenghua Rooster Cup is regarded as a divine work of art, representing the epitome of...


After the Rain, the Sky is Green and the Clouds are broken. This Kind of Color Creates the Future ——Ru Kiln I Know

After the rain, the sky is green and the clouds are broken. This kind of color creates the future ——Ru Kiln I know China's five famous kilns: Ru, Guan, Ge, Jun, Ding kiln, "Ru kiln is the leader", Ru kiln ranks first, I believe many people have heard of it, but the background of the times, artistic characteristics and value of its production are not what ordinary people can understand. Ruyao is a place called Ruzhou near Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. It also burns royal porcelain here, hence the name. The site of the kiln is Qingliang Temple in Baofeng County, Henan Province. In the early palace of the Song Dynasty, Ding kiln white porcelain...