



香港企業出海的根基 2024年2月經過春節假期稍事休息一下又準備忙碌的一年發展進程。非常高興有朋友對CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration)軟件品質管理的認證感興趣,令我重燃推動香港軟件業及其服務對象更上一層樓的熱情。鑑於現今軟件系統對於企業來說越來越關鍵性,不單止提高效率,還提高品質,與及管理風險,令企業提升整體業績表現和競爭力。尤其是一些運輸通訊系統,甚至涉及人命的醫療設備。 CMMI 這個連美國太空總署丶德國的大中小企,與及近年注重提高國際競争力的泰國企業都普遍使用的方...


仁人有道理 - 仁道有理

仁道有理 眼前的世界並不是文明有理,戰爭到處都有,死傷無數,家園被毀擔驚嚇怕,又連累無辜的老百姓。恐怖襲擊更令人震驚,因為隨時在你身邊發生,亂鎗掃射的畫面在大屏幕播出,人的生命非常脆弱。孔子的理想是人人都成為「仁者」,他對仁者的形容很多:仁者能好人能惡人(能夠分辨好人壞人)、仁者先難而後獲(先吃苦後收獲)、仁者樂山(有高瞻遠觸的智慧)、仁者靜(淡定處事不衝動)、仁者壽(身心輕鬆過日子必然長壽),最直接的解釋是「仁者愛人」。永遠充滿愛心愛其他所有人,就是...



八大山人和石濤都影響深遠,對清代、民國以至當代的畫壇都有一定程度的貢獻! 八大山人的畫作。(網絡圖片) 十多年前,我在香港理工大學修讀中國文化碩士課程,當年的系主任是朱鴻林教授。當年的課程相當吸引,因為除了四門必修科目外,其他八門課可按學員的興趣去選修。八科當中,我選修了「書畫欣賞」,讓我日後懂得些看中國畫和書法藝術的基本原則! 東西方繪畫與藝術的差異 其實我很享受認識中國的書法和畫畫的發展史。中國歷朝歷代書畫家輩...



料兩三年旺市不旺價!3類買樓建議必知雖然撤辣後,一、二市場交投大增,但其實,整個市場新供應量很多,需時消化,影響未來樓市走勢。威格斯資產評估顧問副董事總經理張宏業接受《香港財經時報》訪問時預計,一、二手市場單位供應合共約13萬個,按照去年住宅買賣成交宗數計算,需要2至3年時間消化,樓市會「旺市不旺價」。 但一手市場表現會較二手市場活躍,因不少購買力來自內地,並大手入貨。另外,他又向3類買樓人士提出建議:包括上車適宜選平價新盤;換樓適宜買半新盤;買樓投資宜選近大學區的...


Doucai Porcelain of Ming Dynasty Chenghua Period

The story recounts the historical auction of a Ming Dynasty Chenghua Doucai Rooster Cup at a Sotheby's auction in Hong Kong in 2014, fetching a record-breaking price of nearly HK$300 million. The buyer, Mr. Liu Yiqian from Shanghai, reportedly used this small cup to drink tea, believing it possessed extraordinary qualities. But why could such a small cup command such a high price? What fascinating story lies behind the Doucai Rooster Cup? Let me narrate it below. Antique collectors assess the value of collectibles based on four aspects: authenticity, freshness, refinement, and uniqueness. The Chenghua Rooster Cup is regarded as a divine work of art, representing the epitome of...


After the Rain, the Sky is Green and the Clouds are broken. This Kind of Color Creates the Future ——Ru Kiln I Know

After the rain, the sky is green and the clouds are broken. This kind of color creates the future ——Ru Kiln I know China's five famous kilns: Ru, Guan, Ge, Jun, Ding kiln, "Ru kiln is the leader", Ru kiln ranks first, I believe many people have heard of it, but the background of the times, artistic characteristics and value of its production are not what ordinary people can understand. Ruyao is a place called Ruzhou near Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. It also burns royal porcelain here, hence the name. The site of the kiln is Qingliang Temple in Baofeng County, Henan Province. In the early palace of the Song Dynasty, Ding kiln white porcelain...