


Appreciation and Criteria for Antique Porcelain

Chinese porcelain has been a hallmark of Chinese culture for centuries, exported far and wide to Europe and America through trade, captivating European royalty and nobility. Why has Chinese porcelain been so popular worldwide? What makes antique porcelain so beautiful? How can one appreciate its beauty? Many people may not fully understand. From what I know, many friends share my experience. When we visit museums and see various types of porcelain, we often don't know how to appreciate them, merely knowing they are highly valuable. But what defines beauty in objects? By what standards do we measure them? Many times, it's puzzling! I believe appreciating beauty requires learning and having...



每年这个时候,艺术爱好者都雀跃万分,因为展览活动熙熙攘攘,既有巴塞尔艺术展、Art Central,又有苏富比、嘉德和保利的拍卖会,令人眼花撩乱。同时,香港浸会大学亦有展览,展出北京房山云居寺重点文物,参观者可以感受到佛教文化庄严气息! 云居寺现貌。(北京市政府网站) 北京房山云居寺又叫「北京敦煌」,存放着14200几件石刻《大藏经》经文。笔者对佛经义理都有所涉猎,感受殊深,就让笔者为大家简单介绍云居寺的歷史源流,透过文物了解它的文化价值吧! 世界最...


Emperor Huizong of Song: His Artistic Achievements and the Ru Kiln Porcelain

In Chinese history, two renowned artistic emperors stand out: one is Li Yu, the ruler of the Southern Tang dynasty, known as the "Saint of Poetry," who also excelled in music and dance. His line "For forty years, our home and nation, three thousand miles of rivers and mountains" has become an eternal classic. The other one is Emperor Huizong of Song, Zhao Ji (1082-1135), the eighth emperor of the Northern Song dynasty, who was skilled in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, making him an artistic exemplar for future generations. Emperor Huizong ascended the throne at 18 years old in 1100 with the reign title "Daguan" and later changed it to "Zhenghe." His life was marked by ups...


《群书治要》的仁者德治 - 两元乘车优惠




今天,美国财政部部长耶伦结束访华返回美国了!这是继2023年7月时隔九个月后,耶伦于拜登政府任内的第二次中国之行,据说美国务卿布林肯也将紧跟其后在近期到访中国。 有报导认为,耶伦本次访华之行,是中美元首4月2日晚间通话的直接结果之一。耶伦和布林肯的接力举措,表面目的都在于“稳定中美关係”。值得注意的是,耶伦的中国行程有两大特点:一是时间长,全程6天,从南到北;二是活动多,不仅要和中方各级高层会谈,出席论坛、圆桌会议,还要和在华美国大型企业代表、北大师生等会面。...


中华基督教会扶轮中学2023/24年度 视觉艺术科毕业展

艺术教育的重要性在于培养创造力,建立正确的价值观及丰富生命的色彩。本校一直致力推动艺术教育,积极培养同学对艺术的兴趣,並鼓励他们发挥创意,展现自己的潜力。从 22/23 学年度开始,本校为修读高中视觉艺术科的同学举办毕业展览,为他们提供展示和分享作品的机会。透过这个平台,同学可以展现他们的创意和想像力,希望让同学获得更多的肯定和鼓励,並激发他们在艺术领域中继续追求卓越。艺术是一个无尽的探索和表达之旅,我们期待毕业展能表现同学的独特光芒。 (视觉艺术科许自培老师...