


TNC Global Photo Contest Exhibition, "NATURE'S CANVAS – Capturing Nature's Symphony"

  <div class="image lightbox-item " data-src="https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2380860/Nature_s_Canvas_Airport_KV.jpg?p=publish" data-asset-type="photo" data-asset-id="Life_After_Debt_Aug_17_Event.jpg" data-asset-label="General" data-sub-html="TNC Global Photo Contest Exhibition “NATURE’S CANVAS – Capturing Nature's Symphony"" data-tweet-text="TNC Global Photo Contest Exhibition “NATURE’S CANVAS – Capturing Nature's Symphony"" data-facebook-share-text="TNC Global Photo Contest Exhibition “NATURE’S CANVAS – Capturing Nature's Symphony"" data-linkedin-text="TNC Global Photo Contest Exhibition “NATURE’S CANVAS – Capturing Nature's Symphony"" data-download-url="https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2380860/Nature_s_Canvas_Airport_KV.jpg?p=publish" data-pinterest-text="TNC Global Photo Contest Exhibition “NATURE’S CANVAS – Capturing Nature's Symphony"" data-twitter-share-url="https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2380860/Nature_s_Canvas_Airport_KV.jpg?p=twitter" data-linkedin-share-url="https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2380860/Nature_s_Canvas_Airport_KV.jpg?p=linkedin" data-facebook-share-url="https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2380860/Nature_s_Canvas_Airport_KV.jpg?p=facebook" data-pinterest-share-url="https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2380860/Nature_s_Canvas_Airport_KV.jpg?p=facebook"><img id="imageid_2" class="gallery-thumb img-responsive" title="TNC Global Photo Contest Exhibition “NATURE’S CANVAS – Capturing Nature's Symphony"" src="https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2380860/Nature_s_Canvas_Airport_KV.jpg?w=600" alt="TNC Global Photo Contest Exhibition “NATURE’S CANVAS – Capturing Nature's Symphony"" loading="lazy" data-getimg="https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2380860/Nature_s_Canvas_Airport_KV.jpg?w=600" /> During Earth Month, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) will host TNC Global Photo Contest Exhibition, "NATURE'S CANVAS – Capturing Nature's Symphony" from April 8 to 28, 2024, at the Departure Check-in Hall, Level 7, Terminal 1, Hong Kong International Airport. The exhibition will showcase the winning entries from TNC's 2023 Global Photo Contest. These exceptional photographs celebrate the harmony and magnificence of nature while conveying a message of environmental conservation.   Similar to how artists use a canvas to paint, nature uses the Earth as a canvas forbreathtaking landscapes, intricate ecosystems, and flourishing plants and animals. Through the lenses of talented photographers from around the world, TNC aims to immerse the audience in a symphony of nature, where harmonious scenes are awe-inspiring. These photographs provide insights into the power and challenges faced by our natural world, showcasing close-ups of various species, picturesque seasonal views, and stunning images of marine and terrestrial exploration.   This year's contest doubled the number of categories and saw a huge increase in stunning submissions, from a serene coral reef in Guatemala to a pair of tigers caught in the middle of a fight in India. A prestigious panel of judges, including photographers Javier Aznar, Smita Sharma, Morgan Heim, and renowned natural history photographer Frans Lanting, carefully selected the winners.  The contest received an overwhelming response, with over 80,000 individual photographers and more than 189,000 entries from 191 countries and territories.   The 2023 Grand Prize has been awarded to Tibor Litauszki from Hungary for his remarkable underwater photo capturing a newt eating freshly-laid frog's eggs. Additionally, Hong Kong photographer Jeanny Tang has won First Place in the Freshwater category. Her winning photograph, taken at Tai Sang Wai, Yuen Long, showcases a captivating sight of fish-dug holes for spawning, revealed after the pond dried up. This unique and enchanting scene highlights the magnificent and diverse natural beauty found within Hong Kong's urban city, presenting it to the world in all its glory.   Furthermore, the exhibition includes a special "Hong Kong Highlights" section, showcasing entries from Hong Kong photography enthusiasts. The aim is to exhibit the natural beauty of Hong Kong and remind the public to cherish and protect the city's natural landscapes.   Moreover, the exhibition offers a unique experience for visitors to create personalized "Voice Postcards" using the stunning photographs from the competition as postcard images. This creative and interactive feature allows visitors to actively participate and share their concerns about environmental protection and the importance of preserving nature with friends and family. Simply fill in the recipient's address on the postcard, place it in the designated mailbox at the exhibition, and we will assist in its delivery. This simple act enables visitors to spread their love for nature and inspire others to take action to protect our precious Earth.   https://www.tnc.org.hk/en-hk/get-involved/how-to-help/photo-contest/2023-winners/. TNC Global Photo Contest Exhibition "Nature's Canvas ––Capturing Nature's Symphony" details:Venue:  Departure Check-in Hall, Level 7, Terminal 1, Hong Kong International AirportDate:  08 - 28.04.2024  

第八集 安心睡眠 能量調頻

《能量共振身心灵》 第八集: 安心睡眠 能量调频

  《能量共振身心灵》第八集: 安心睡眠 能量调频 多数人都经歷过不同程度的睡眠问题,今集节目将会教你如何放松,更易进入睡眠状态。Dr. Jamie Chan 亦会分享一位丈夫因对妻 子、家庭过多担心造成失眠,如何当场放松小睡!要能量充沛,先要有优质睡眠,立即click入连结收看,懂夜夜好眠!- 失眠、易醒、难入睡,如何处理?- 点样同大脑意识沟通帮助入眠 ?- 环境磁场同睡眠质素有莫大关系?   Youtube 「能量站频道」   联系                  Dr Jamie Chan 活动查询电话   94520613 联络人电邮       info@energysource.hk



  建造业安全奖励计划嘉年华2023/2024   主题:注重安全多一分   随时挽回你一生   节目内容 有奖摊位游戏、职安健资料展览、综艺表演   表演嘉宾 黄淑蔓  梁钊峰  安俊豪 黄明德   苏家欣   张驰豪   洪助昇   Beanies   日期:2024年4月28日(星期日) 时间:上午11时至下午5时 地点:九龙旺角洗衣街59号麦花臣游乐场    


Möbius in May 杂技创作

  《Möbius in May》摘录自法国当代杂技团XY剧团的第五个创作—《Möbius》。   作品试图透过自然现象探讨马戏技艺的边界,例如「群飞」的概念。此指雀鸟成群飞翔时彼此沟通的现象:数百只飞鸟在空中翱翔舞动彷彿成为一体,精准而密集,甚至会在一瞬间遮掩阳光。   剧团在作品中以连贯动作为杂技表演的核心,进一步研究马戏语言。当中产生「连续体」允许情境倒转、颠覆和摇摆,而无需相互对抗。这种简单的舞台呈现出一个无限的空间,肢体形态如同连锁反应般展开,是一个大自然、文化、身体与灵魂互相契合与交匯的领域。   《Möbius》为XY剧团与编舞家Rachid Ouramdane的合作作品。 制作经理:Peggy Donck、Antoine Billaud 巡迴经理:Antoine Billaud、Johanna 技术经理及音响:Claire Thiebault 鸣谢:Mayalen Otodon、Agalie Vandamme、Catherine Germain、Roser Lopez-Espinosa   XY剧团 在过去十七年,XY 剧团通过杂技托举动作以探索杂技的语言。在实践马戏根基的同时,剧团亦不断寻觅杂技中各种符号、节奏和形态的各种可能性,将其重置于杂技艺术的核心。   剧团选择以集体创作的形式以开拓更多的可能性並扩大其研究领域。此举也反映了一种艺术取态,旨在叩问「观众」与「质量」的概念,以及两者在同一时空中的互动。同一时间,他们也探问个体与群体之间在特定的社会环境下的关係。    因此,XY 剧团犹如不同个体彼此共享的集体意识,凝聚各种专业知识以进行共同创作。在沒有阶级框架下参与传播和分享的过程,在剧团日常工作中产生了深远的影响,並直接成为他们的艺术形式的一部份。剧团选择向公众呈现这种精神,在剧院或公共空间上演他们的大规模集体创作。   《Möbius in May》为「法国艺匯@大馆」系列的节目,由香港赛马会慈善信託基金独家贊助。   大馆检阅广场 11.05.2024(六)8 pm12.05.2024(日)6:30 pm, 8 pm13, 15–16.05.2024(一、三至四)6 pm, 7:30 pm17–19.05.2024(五至日)5 pm, 6:30 pm, 8 pm   免费入场

香港閲讀嘉年華 2024


  政府今年起将4月23日订为香港全民阅读日,当天起公共图书馆每名读者的外借图书上限增至十本;公共图书馆也会与不同持份者合作在本月20日至28日举办首届香港悦读周,以连串全港大型阅读活动作响应。   阅读/探索无限空间 康乐及文化事务署将以「阅读/探索无限空间」为主题,在缐上和缐下举行逾200项图书馆活动,让市民体验阅读乐趣。   2024香港阅读+ 在香港悦读周首天,「2024香港阅读+」阅读嘉年华会在沙田新城市广场揭幕,活动为期四天,场内设置电子阅读体验区,介绍公共图书馆的电子资源服务,以及向小读者推介与科学、科技、工程和数学(STEM)有关的电子资源。   当天,当局也会响应粤港澳桂琼共七个城市的共读半小时阅读活动,鼓励市民共享阅读乐趣。教育局也会举办中小学联校共读半小时活动,加强校园阅读氛围。   阅读的n种理由 主办单位香港出版总会以「阅读的n种理由」为题策划展览、专题书展、亲子工作坊、电子阅读体验区,以及举办多场知名作家讲座和音乐表演。   共读双城:深圳专区 深圳市委宣传部也会在场内的「共读双城:深圳专区」展出精选深圳亲子读物,推动深港共读。   为配合弘扬中华文化办公室本月成立,宣扬中华文化的中国歷史、人物故事和传统美德书籍将为香港悦读周的阅读焦点。   多项推广阅读活动也会在中小学和社区举行。


英国.澳洲.加拿大 大学联招

匯聚近 100 所院校.2024 年度盛事院校阵容强大,全面覆盖所有升学资讯 日期:5 月 4 - 5 日 (星期六及日) 时间:下午 12 时 - 5 时地点:尖沙咀 马哥孛罗香港酒店 4 楼对象:中五、中六学生 (DSE、IB、A-level)、学士、副学士及高级文凭学生及家长 参加者须网上登记.立即报名啦!   。近 100 所英、澳、加大学及衔接课程参展:世界 Top 100 大学、澳洲八大、ATN 大学及着名大学、英国 Top 30 大学等着名院校及衔接课程参加。涵盖大学衔接课程、Top up 、学士及硕士课程。 院校收生主任亲临香港亲自详细讲解海外升学,並即场面试及收生取录。热门学科资讯:物理治疗、职业治疗、语言治疗、营养学、工程、酒店管理、护理、商科、航空、媒体/传讯、社工、设计、资讯科技、建筑等。开设 2024 UCAS 帐户,豁免申请费 ^。最新奖学金资讯、学额状况。展场限定:IELTS 应试工作坊课程优惠。驻港官方报名处:逾 500 所海外院校即场报名机会。参加学生请携带公开试成绩/两年校内成绩表。提供学位课程、大学基础课程及文凭课程的即场报名及即场取录机会
