



小豬雖然像笨像蠢,很是聰明的動物。大笨豬和大笨象都是誤導的,牠們都不笨,另外,老鼠和老虎也不一定是老呢! 十二生肖以鼠為首,豬包尾!子時為第一個時辰,即晚上11時至凌晨1時,從前午夜場後還有子夜場。亥時是地支最後的兩個小時,即晚上9至11時。眾所周知,人們喜爭先恐後,所以亥時不受歡迎,俗語罵「亥時出世」的人不佳。 最近在主日彌撒聽了馬神父講一個有關小豬的有趣故事。神父說天主以泥造了第一個人即阿當,之後再多造一個夏娃,這一男一女要替天...

撤辣短期興旺一手市場 幫助二手樓收窄議價空間

後撤辣時代 短期一手興旺 二手穩定 2月28日是近十四年來香港樓市的分水嶺!財政司司長陳茂波宣布立刻撤辣後,明顯地一二手住宅市場即時出現「小陽春」局面,相信相比上年施政報告書的減辣行動換來的效益更長久、更有力。 先回顧價走勢。政府宣布立刻撤辣前,差估署剛公布1月份私樓樓價指數,各類私樓住宅單位齊齊呈現樓價下跌情況,所有類別平均按年、按月、較歷史高位分別下跌9.43%、1.57%和23.03%,而且租金也自一年以來浮現首次平均微跌0.27%,也較歷史高位租金平均下跌7.3%...

Meat on dish


健康養生:   1)《中國居民膳食指南2022》建議,平均每天應攝入12種以上食物。粥可以幫助人們實現主食多樣化,以粥作為載體,添加多種輔助食材,比如青菜、香菇、肉等,即可達到均衡營養的目標。   2)立春後氣溫開始趨於上升,日照增多,萬物始生。飲食調養要考慮這種“春生”的特點,宜食辛甘發散之品,如生薑、蔥、香菜、韭菜、芽菜、香菇等。   3)蘿蔔有清熱生津、開胃健脾、順氣化痰的功效,有助於養肺。咳嗽痰多的人群,不妨喝點白蘿蔔蜂蜜水。   4)春筍是道地的“時令鮮味”,被視...


No matter how difficult the journey ahead may be, Tang Sanzang embarked on his Quest for the Sake of Connecting with Buddhism and benefiting all Sentient Beings

Tang Sanzang (Xuanzang) is a well-known figure in China, India and East Asia, thanks to the Ming Dynasty novel "Journey to the West" by Wu Cheng'en! In "Journey to the West," Tang Sanzang is depicted as a person with strong enlightenment, honesty, and cautiousness. On his journey to the West to obtain scriptures, he encounters various demons and monsters, relying on his disciple Sun Wukong to rescue him from danger. However, in reality, Tang Sanzang was a determined and resolute individual who tirelessly sought truth, braving countless dangers to journey to the West (India) for the scriptures. He made a significant contribution to the friendship and cultural exchange between China, India,...

台北故宮 乾隆窯膽瓶

The Historical Evolution and Noble Characteristics of Chinese High-Temperature Red Glaze Ceramics.

River maple trees Conceal the Morning Moon, Flowers Bloom in Imperial Red / The Historical Evolution and Noble Characteristics of Chinese High-Temperature Red Glaze Ceramics. This year is the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese zodiac. With the beginning of the Spring Festival, the auspicious dragon celebrates the New Year. Many shopping malls have seized this opportunity to promote the theme of dragons. For example, the Kai Tak Shopping Mall has a dragon cultural exhibition, and the newly established Wisdom Research Cultural Association held an exhibition to promote dragon culture in the basement mall of the Mira Shopping Mall this year. As a totem of the Chinese nation, the...


The Historical Significance and Vibrant Allure of the Hollywood Road Cultural District

Spring breeze accommodates everything. The historical significance and vibrant allure of the Hollywood Road cultural district in Hong Kong's Sheung Wan area are remarkable.   In the 1990s, the famous Taiwanese singer Lo Ta-yu sang "Queen's Road East, Queen's Road West," which became widely known, showcasing the keen observation of creative artists who captured the cultural essence of Hong Kong. Since then, I have personally explored Hollywood Road with a curious mind, gradually falling in love with its rich cultural and artistic atmosphere. A chance encounter with a British guest who was fond of Chinese stone-carved Buddha statues led me to act as a guide, helping him explore and...