

台北故宮 乾隆窯膽瓶

The Historical Evolution and Noble Characteristics of Chinese High-Temperature Red Glaze Ceramics.

River maple trees Conceal the Morning Moon, Flowers Bloom in Imperial Red / The Historical Evolution and Noble Characteristics of Chinese High-Temperature Red Glaze Ceramics. This year is the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese zodiac. With the beginning of the Spring Festival, the auspicious dragon celebrates the New Year. Many shopping malls have seized this opportunity to promote the theme of dragons. For example, the Kai Tak Shopping Mall has a dragon cultural exhibition, and the newly established Wisdom Research Cultural Association held an exhibition to promote dragon culture in the basement mall of the Mira Shopping Mall this year. As a totem of the Chinese nation, the...


The Historical Significance and Vibrant Allure of the Hollywood Road Cultural District

Spring breeze accommodates everything. The historical significance and vibrant allure of the Hollywood Road cultural district in Hong Kong's Sheung Wan area are remarkable.   In the 1990s, the famous Taiwanese singer Lo Ta-yu sang "Queen's Road East, Queen's Road West," which became widely known, showcasing the keen observation of creative artists who captured the cultural essence of Hong Kong. Since then, I have personally explored Hollywood Road with a curious mind, gradually falling in love with its rich cultural and artistic atmosphere. A chance encounter with a British guest who was fond of Chinese stone-carved Buddha statues led me to act as a guide, helping him explore and...


Enhancing the Artistic and Cultural Appeal of Central Market in Hong Kong

Central Market in Hong Kong holds a long-standing history, dating back to the early 1840s when it began as a marketplace. The existing building, constructed in 1939, features a simple yet striking Baroque architectural style. After ceasing operations in the early 2000s, it underwent 18 years of planning and renovation before reopening two years ago, gradually emerging as a new landmark for arts and culture in Central, exuding a captivating charm! As the saying goes, "Times change, and so does the river flow." Since the relocation of Hong Kong's airport to Chek Lap Kok, the economic center of Hong Kong has gradually shifted westward. The once bustling hubs of arts and culture, such as...


Hong Kong Palace Museum / The Path of Self-Sufficiency and Growth

Since its opening in July 2022, the Hong Kong Palace Museum has reportedly received 2.1 million visitors, averaging around 100,000 visitors per month. This figure is truly encouraging! It is well known that the majority of visitors are from mainland China, with local Hong Kong visitors accounting for about one-third, and the rest being international tourists. Officially, ticket revenue constitutes around 40% of the total operating expenses, which is a remarkable achievement compared to the 20-30% seen in other major museums worldwide. The author believes this success is closely related to the museum's various special exhibitions and the attraction of Chinese traditional culture! Mr....


香港故宫文化博物馆 自负盈亏与茁壮成长之道

西九文化区在财务上面临严峻挑战,有什么解救方法呢? 香港故宫文化博物馆自2022年7月开馆以来,据报已经录得210万人次入场,即是平均每月10万人次入场参观,入场观众多为国内游客,其次为本地人和海外游客。另外,门票收入佔总体营运开支40%左右,相比一般世界各大博物馆收入只佔20至30%为高,这是一个了不起的成就,相信和博物馆专题展览、中国传统文化的吸引力有着密切关係! 避免拖累政府 西九自负盈亏 香港故宫文化博物馆並非故宫博物院的分馆,而是有着独立的性格和特色,皆因博...



我从事资优教育20多年,喜欢阅读伟人的故事,天才、神童、多才多艺的艺术家最吸引我呢! 明·张灵绘,《唐伯虎像》。(Wikimedia Commons) 我相信最为香港人熟悉的江南才子,非明朝的唐伯虎莫属了。一来「唐伯虎点秋香」的事迹已成为普罗大众所津津乐道的佳话,无论是粤语长片或是粤剧戏曲都曾加以改编,搬上舞台。再者上世纪90年代,周星驰和巩俐将故事拍成电影,将之喜剧化和通俗化。唯观众也对唐伯虎产生另类印象,丑化了这位诗、书、画皆精的...