

Quick Views on Artificial General Intelligence

網上圖片 Hope those in Hong Kong and the PRC had a great CNY break. Given the hype of A.I. over the past few weeks, I would like to take this opportunity to share with the members of my network about my quick and brief views on A.I. on top of my article back in January 2020. (see link here : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/innovation-engine-growth-thomas-kwan/?trackingId=vdIRnCTFPmJdmstaze2ycg==) The future of Artificial General Intelligence (“AGI”) in the next five years is an exciting prospect, but it is also filled with uncertainty. AGI is a subset of artificial intelligence ...

The Rapid Rise: the Anticipated Proliferation of Digital Assets

網上照片 In February 2021, I wrote an article about the inevitable proliferation of digital assets (see link below). https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/revisiting-cryptocurrency-thomas-kwan?trackingId=zpkOmqgTHeoyGPxmSSfsiQ==/?trackingId=zpkOmqgTHeoyGPxmSSfsiQ== Since then, we have seen a significant increase in the adoption of blockchain technologies. Last week, the US SEC allowed Bitcoin ETFs to be listed, which is a significant milestone for the digital asset industry. Bitcoin has been around for over a decade and has seen its fair share of ups and downs (to say the least). Howeve...

Why digitization is even more crucial to the logistics industry in an economic downturn?

網上照片 Being an investment banker who had worked on numerous not-so-small logistics transactions and also developed a habit to study the logistics market as a result, this article summarizes my findings in the PRC's logistics industry about its latest warehouse revenue data, the decrease in demand for long haul truck transportation, and the decline of export trade, and how these factors have contributed to the current state of the logistics industry in the PRC (and the immediate need for further digitizing the logistics community). 1. Demand for long-haul trucking/transportation over distances of 500km or more has experienced a significant decline of at ...

The Future of AI is Going to be Interactive AI: What You Need to Know

網上照片 Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most exciting and rapidly evolving fields of technology today. AI systems can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing faces, playing games, and creating content. However, not all AI systems are created equal. Depending on how they are designed and trained, AI systems can have different capabilities and limitations. Generative AI vs Interactive AI One way to classify AI systems is based on how they generate outputs. Some AI systems are generative, meaning they can produce new and original outputs from scratch, such as ...

From Dot-Com to AI: A Comparative Journey Through Tech Revolutions

網上照片 The comparison between the internet boom in the early 2000s and the recent proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) over the past 18 months reveals some similarities and differences. In the early 2000s, investors blindly pursued dot-com companies, leading to a bubble that eventually burst. Currently, over 80% of the deals venture capital firms consider are related to AI. The AI boom is being primarily driven by the increasing amount of data available for training AI models, enabling complex tasks like image recognition and predictive analytics especially in the medical and healthcare sector. I would like to discuss the similaritie...

Democratizing AI: Empowering End-Devices with Small Language Models

網上圖片 According to the development trajectory of the AI landscape, I'm very excited about the next frontier in artificial intelligence - the rise of end-device AI (some parties call it Edge AI). While the current landscape is dominated by large language models ("LLMs") running on powerful cloud infrastructure, I am certain that a new era is dawning where small language models ("SLMs") will empower end-devices to harness the power of AI locally. The shift towards end-device AI is driven by several key factors. Firstly, the growing ubiquity of powerful edge devices, such as smartphones (recent news articles mentioned repeatedly tha...