張大千《秋曦圖》 民國時期,中國書畫藝術經歷了一場前所未有的變革。一方面,由於中國政治的動盪和民族危機,書畫家紛紛以藝術為工具,表達對時代的關懷和對祖國的情感,創作出了許多具有民族特色的作品。另一方面,由於西方文化的傳入和影響,書畫家們也開始接受和吸收西方藝術的理論和技法,探索書畫藝術的新形式和新風格。在這個過程中,出現了許多傑出的書畫家和流派,如徐悲鴻、齊白石、黃賓虹、林風眠、張大千、溥心畬、吳昌碩、趙古泉等。他們既承傳了中國傳統書畫藝術的精華,又...
林風眠《天上人間》 除了海上畫派、京津畫派和融匯中西藝術的嶺南畫派,另外也有主力傳承中華傳統,「中學為體,西學為用」的「傳統改良派」,徐悲鴻、李可染及蔣兆和等,都屬於這一派。另外獨闢蹊徑有林風眠、吳冠中的「現代主義」。 潘天壽是一位中國現代畫家和美術教育家,他的畫風雄渾奇崛,融詩詞、書法、繪畫、篆印為一體。潘更汲取石濤、八大山人、吳昌碩等人的藝術精華,其花鳥、山水、動物意趣幽遠而接近現實,色彩艷麗而空靈,構圖絕而不奇,開一派之新風格。 ...
惲壽平《荔枝綬帶圖》(網絡圖片) 明清之際畫派林立,只有一些董其昌的追隨者成為正統,以臨摹為宗。正統畫派(文人畫)的領導人乃四王中的二王,王時敏、王鑑,二人於明末已蒙董其昌等名家之激賞,成為畫苑領袖,王翬合南北於一手,有畫聖之名。王原祁乃王時敏之孫,內繼承家學,上獲得政府知遇,下受門生擁戴,巍為一代宗師。 惲壽平筆墨秀麗,後與王翬交往,多作花卉,重視寫生,多用水墨淡彩,清潤明麗,自成一格。吳歷雖出王時敏之門,然雄厚渾穆,突破當時潮流。前四人有稱「...
Quick Views on Artificial General Intelligence
網上圖片 Hope those in Hong Kong and the PRC had a great CNY break. Given the hype of A.I. over the past few weeks, I would like to take this opportunity to share with the members of my network about my quick and brief views on A.I. on top of my article back in January 2020. (see link here : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/innovation-engine-growth-thomas-kwan/?trackingId=vdIRnCTFPmJdmstaze2ycg==) The future of Artificial General Intelligence (“AGI”) in the next five years is an exciting prospect, but it is also filled with uncertainty. AGI is a subset of artificial intelligence ...
The Rapid Rise: the Anticipated Proliferation of Digital Assets
網上照片 In February 2021, I wrote an article about the inevitable proliferation of digital assets (see link below). https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/revisiting-cryptocurrency-thomas-kwan?trackingId=zpkOmqgTHeoyGPxmSSfsiQ==/?trackingId=zpkOmqgTHeoyGPxmSSfsiQ== Since then, we have seen a significant increase in the adoption of blockchain technologies. Last week, the US SEC allowed Bitcoin ETFs to be listed, which is a significant milestone for the digital asset industry. Bitcoin has been around for over a decade and has seen its fair share of ups and downs (to say the least). Howeve...
Why digitization is even more crucial to the logistics industry in an economic downturn?
網上照片 Being an investment banker who had worked on numerous not-so-small logistics transactions and also developed a habit to study the logistics market as a result, this article summarizes my findings in the PRC's logistics industry about its latest warehouse revenue data, the decrease in demand for long haul truck transportation, and the decline of export trade, and how these factors have contributed to the current state of the logistics industry in the PRC (and the immediate need for further digitizing the logistics community). 1. Demand for long-haul trucking/transportation over distances of 500km or more has experienced a significant decline of at ...