


仁人有道理 - 爱人的方式

早上在家中起身,遇到所有人,都称唿一声,说句早晨!这是最简单的爱人方式,互相敬爱。父母下班回家,子女用双手奉上一杯茶或饮品,便是简爱。 发展经济成为天之骄子,文化发展及优秀传统文化被忽视。人的存在和生活,除了衣食,还有数不清的关连。人有家庭、爱情、父母、朋友,内心有爱、有良知,这些都是金钱买不到的事物。 父母用爱给予我们珍贵奇妙的生命,中国人特別用孝(filial piety)来回馈报答,人生可创造及发挥的空间很大很广阔。家庭为最小单元,父母亲是我们的第一位老师,扶持我...


男女最大不同之处莫过于清洁;男士用过的衣物,黄黄油油,配偶一见就眉头皱,觉得另一半很髒! 最简单的例子是枕边人用过的枕头,黄黄油油的,枕头套短时间内一个换过一个,结果还是黄黄油油的,挺恼人的。其他男士穿过的衣物,都是这样子。 男士穿戴过的服饰衣履黄黄油油,並非可恶的另一半沒有好好洗澡,幕后黑手其实是「男性贺尔蒙」造成汗水、皮屑等代谢物分泌较旺盛,寝具、衣物鞋履用久了也随之变黄,可爱的另一半不要再误会枕边人了。雄性贺尔蒙容易加速男性的皮脂生产,使用过的衣服...


A Brief Discussion on Song Dynasty Flower Arrangement Art and Flower Vessels

The Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) was a period in Chinese history characterized by political clarity and cultural prosperity, which many people yearn for. A survey once found that many individuals wished to travel back in time to live during the Song Dynasty. Why is that? This question inevitably arises in our minds. The Tang Dynasty was splendid, with its luxurious attire and vibrant atmosphere, which also exuded a strong appeal. Overall, however, people seem to prefer the Song Dynasty's era of peace and prosperity, with its bustling markets, abundant resources, and elegant yet tranquil lifestyle. The elegant and leisurely life during that period, characterized by three thousand beauties...


Appreciation and Criteria for Antique Porcelain

Chinese porcelain has been a hallmark of Chinese culture for centuries, exported far and wide to Europe and America through trade, captivating European royalty and nobility. Why has Chinese porcelain been so popular worldwide? What makes antique porcelain so beautiful? How can one appreciate its beauty? Many people may not fully understand. From what I know, many friends share my experience. When we visit museums and see various types of porcelain, we often don't know how to appreciate them, merely knowing they are highly valuable. But what defines beauty in objects? By what standards do we measure them? Many times, it's puzzling! I believe appreciating beauty requires learning and having...



每年这个时候,艺术爱好者都雀跃万分,因为展览活动熙熙攘攘,既有巴塞尔艺术展、Art Central,又有苏富比、嘉德和保利的拍卖会,令人眼花撩乱。同时,香港浸会大学亦有展览,展出北京房山云居寺重点文物,参观者可以感受到佛教文化庄严气息! 云居寺现貌。(北京市政府网站) 北京房山云居寺又叫「北京敦煌」,存放着14200几件石刻《大藏经》经文。笔者对佛经义理都有所涉猎,感受殊深,就让笔者为大家简单介绍云居寺的歷史源流,透过文物了解它的文化价值吧! 世界最...


Emperor Huizong of Song: His Artistic Achievements and the Ru Kiln Porcelain

In Chinese history, two renowned artistic emperors stand out: one is Li Yu, the ruler of the Southern Tang dynasty, known as the "Saint of Poetry," who also excelled in music and dance. His line "For forty years, our home and nation, three thousand miles of rivers and mountains" has become an eternal classic. The other one is Emperor Huizong of Song, Zhao Ji (1082-1135), the eighth emperor of the Northern Song dynasty, who was skilled in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, making him an artistic exemplar for future generations. Emperor Huizong ascended the throne at 18 years old in 1100 with the reign title "Daguan" and later changed it to "Zhenghe." His life was marked by ups...