Doucai Porcelain of Ming Dynasty Chenghua Period
The story recounts the historical auction of a Ming Dynasty Chenghua Doucai Rooster Cup at a Sotheby's auction in Hong Kong in 2014, fetching a record-breaking price of nearly HK$300 million. The buyer, Mr. Liu Yiqian from Shanghai, reportedly used this small cup to drink tea, believing it possessed extraordinary qualities. But why could such a small cup command such a high price? What fascinating story lies behind the Doucai Rooster Cup? Let me narrate it below. Antique collectors assess the value of collectibles based on four aspects: authenticity, freshness, refinement, and uniqueness. The Chenghua Rooster Cup is regarded as a divine work of art, representing the epitome of...
After the Rain, the Sky is Green and the Clouds are broken. This Kind of Color Creates the Future ——Ru Kiln I Know
After the rain, the sky is green and the clouds are broken. This kind of color creates the future ——Ru Kiln I know China's five famous kilns: Ru, Guan, Ge, Jun, Ding kiln, "Ru kiln is the leader", Ru kiln ranks first, I believe many people have heard of it, but the background of the times, artistic characteristics and value of its production are not what ordinary people can understand. Ruyao is a place called Ruzhou near Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. It also burns royal porcelain here, hence the name. The site of the kiln is Qingliang Temple in Baofeng County, Henan Province. In the early palace of the Song Dynasty, Ding kiln white porcelain...
The Fate of Antique Collectors
The fate of antique collectors As a lover of antique porcelain collection, I want to talk about the fate between antique cultural relics and people. I believe everyone also resonates. We often say that fate is known to many people, but what is fate? " "Fate" is to meet, have the opportunity to meet, and then have their own directions. " "Part" is the combination of like-mindedness through the chemical reaction of gravity. Therefore, just meeting is fate, because after that, they are not related to each other; and after seeing each other, after several hardships and in-depth understanding, and happy gathering together, this realm is "share". As a collector, do you have a...
除了文具博物馆之外,罗先生早年更成立家族基金,管理家族文化产业。他认为收藏最重要係展示给观众,弘扬文化魅力,不应该是私人收藏,因此1994年又将25件私人收藏古董瓷器捐赠给市政局。 新建的茶艺馆也是两层高古色古香建筑物,外墙白色的,在阳光映照之下分外夺目。 坐落在金钟的香港茶具文物馆已经成立40周年了,由于这几年新的艺术设施比较多,比如西九文化区中环街市和大馆等等,所以它的地位渐渐被人忽略,变得门庭冷落。笔者是古董文化艺术爱好...
「清明」是二十四节气之第五个,由仲春迈进季春,在每年阳历四月四日或五日,冬至后的106日。《历书》:「春分后15日,斗指丁,为清明,时万物皆洁齐而清明,盖时当气清景明,万物皆显,因此得名。」《岁时百问》中说:「万物生长此时,皆清洁而明净,故谓之清明。」 图源:网络 清明日,当地球到达太阳黄经十五度时,春回大地,草木繁茂,空气清新,景色明丽,万物欣欣向荣。《月令七十二候集解》中说:「三月节······物至此时,皆以洁齐而清明矣...
The history and characteristics of Chinese blue and white porcelain.
Years pass by, a dream of a millennium. The history and characteristics of Chinese blue and white porcelain. Why has blue and white porcelain dominated the mainstream in China for hundreds of years? What is blue and white porcelain, something many people may not fully understand? Taiwanese musician Jay Chou named a popular song "Blue and White Porcelain," sculpting the Chinese style. So, what are the characteristics of blue and white porcelain? Why can it represent Chinese culture? Why is it so beloved? I believe there are reasons behind it all! Blue and white porcelain has flourished for thousands of years, and today, the author will try to answer this mystery for everyone, hoping to...